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2024-05-03 07:16:42

WildChat: 1M ChatGPT Interaction Logs in the Wild
Wenting Zhao, Xiang Ren, Jack Hessel, Claire Cardie, Yejin Choi, Yuntian Deng
2024-03-30 16:32:42

I had the bad luck to oversee a piece of the Bill Maher show last night. That guy has perfected stupidity. And worse, he is slowly becoming a maga apologist.
Last night he was bloviating about how we needed age based limits on cell phone usage. Yet he utterly does not recognize that the checking of age is a hoop that every person will have to jump through - and as a side effect that will damage, perhaps destroy, anonymous or disguised speech, a thing we have long found to be a benef…
2024-03-27 04:09:43

Crypto Miners that keep fossil fuels running and cause other environmental damage should be prevented from doing so.
2024-02-16 16:54:29

Es gibt Verwirrung rund um Luca Pay. Es ist aber total einfach und völlig anonym. Sobald ihr mich seht, drückt ihr mir Geld in die Hand. Fertig.
Fallt nicht auf die QR-Codes rein! Das Geld kommt nicht bei mir an. Es handelt sich dabei um etwas völlig anderes. Solltet ihr welche sehen, bei @… melden. Danke.
2024-02-17 09:57:14

I have a brief story to tell: Earlier this week, a large DDoS attack against 2 out of our larger set of #Tor (@…) relays - which also act as stable HSDir nodes - has managed to partially interrupt Internet traffic for the whole #JKULinz. While the attack was not huge compared to others (peak traffic around 3-4 Gbit/s, well above 1M PPS), we suspect either a nation state actor or fairly well-funded organization for 3 reasons:
* The attack was more advanced than simply saturating the upstream with bandwidth/packets, but had proper handshakes with the Tor relays, trying to cause resource exhaustion on the application level (we have seen this pattern multiple times in the last 6 months, but this one was much more massive in terms of incoming packets).
* The attack was very targeted, affecting only 2 IPs out of 25, consistently over some time. This indicates that either the position in the HSDir or specific connections or hidden services that were relayed over those nodes were the target - but note that these are only guesses, we don't have hard data on the motivation of this targeting.
* The only motivations that come to mind are either de-anonymization attacks or take-downs of particular hidden services. These do not seem to be relevant for usual ransom DDoS botnet attackers, but more for political reasons.
We have some flow data and would be interested in doing more analysis. Any ideas or correlation with other data on Tor relay attacks welcome :)
CC @…
2024-02-09 07:01:17

Epik, a domain registrar serving far-right and extremist websites, has been acquired by Registered Agents, whose services allow companies to operate anonymously (William Turton/Wired)
2024-03-05 03:18:48

Internet of Dongs (gah I love them) also got their hands on the "Reddit said this vibrator has malware" vibrator this weekend, pulled it apart, and confirmed it doesn't have malware:
2024-03-04 23:07:07

Seems big. Ammonium phosphate in literal boatload quantities. Cyanobacteria (and many other microbes) love that stuff. If anyone is still fishing and swimming in the southern Red Sea, they may not be doing so soon.
#Yemen #RedSea
2024-03-05 03:18:48

Internet of Dongs (gah I love them) also got their hands on the "Reddit said this vibrator has malware" vibrator this weekend, pulled it apart, and confirmed it doesn't have malware: